Pastor's Blog Tuesday, March 15 2016
It's much easier to preach on having great faith than to actually practice it. God continues to stretch us and grow us. He wants our full trust. In fact James speaks about being double minded men. We have to believe He will answer! Also, Faith is perfected over time in every area of our lives. It's no different in the church. God has asked us to be ready to move! We are raising funds to expand our worship space due to the growth we have experienced. In scripture, so many times the disciples asked questions about the future and He always directed them to the importance of waiting. There is no question that faith is perfected not only over time but during periods of waiting. You might say that these two things are tied together. Our prayer through this journey is that we keep trusting God to lead us. That we seek His face for clear direction! That we trust Him no matter what. These things are not easy but that is exactly what God wants us to do. We just finished up our series through the first 6 chapters in Nehemiah this past Sunday. God taught us many things through our time in this book. It took great faith on the peoples behalf but it was God who would finished the project. Through this process, it's important for us to remember that God will finish what He has started. That He will lead us through each step and when things seem unclear we need to take a step back and wait on Him. It's not easy waiting but some of our greatest rewards in this life come from waiting and being patient with God's timing. "The wall was completed in 52 days, on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul. When all our enemies heard this , all the surrounding nations were intimidated and lost their confidence, for they realized that this task had been accomplished by our God." Nehemiah 6:15-16 |