Pastor's Blog Friday, August 28 2015
This Summer has been a season of rest and preparation for God's best! Resting in His promises and preparing for all that He has for us. Our ministries at the church are taking off. All our positions and offices are filled. Volunteers are coming out of the wood work to be involved. People are getting saved and making descisions for Baptism. These are the things that have to be in place for God to accomplish His greatest work. You see, God entrusts His people in small areas and with few responsibilities long before He adds to our plates. He wants to see what we will do with what He gives us. Will we be faithful? Will we stay consistent? Will we ask for more? Our readiness and willingness unleashes God's power and provision. When we pray for more territory and more responsibilities, He delivers! I am excited for this coming year at HBC! Our small groups kick off on September 13th prior to our 10:00am Worship service. We have added two additional Adult classes along with our New and improved Jr. Church room & Ministry. We are praying for God to use our work as an instrument for His Glory! We don't care to play church but be the church in every area. This community is starving for a relationship with Jesus and we want to be the ones that deliver the message through our acts of Love and through the power Christ gives each of us. May we see growth in numbers in every area of the church, every ministry and in every small group. May God expand His Kingdom in ways we could never imagine. Acts 2:47 " praising God and having favor with all people and the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved." |